Thursday, 7 June 2007

Them old Curatory ad litem Blues

Didn't really work out as planned, but I may be missing something. Funny how when you're quiet, little problems at work - and in life generally - can expand to fill up the places you used to reserve for the real humdingers.

Anyhoo, avizandum. Lots of Latin tonight, eh?

The replacement charger for the camera has arrived, which is cool. I'll be able to take photies at the Dalwhinnie mini-meet now without fear or favour. Need to get a proper record of that 100th Munro for the BoyHope. The thought of heading up tomorrow evening to meet the guys at the campsite in Blair Atholl is awfy tempting, but it's no' fair when Marion doesn't like staying in the house herself, & it's only about an hour & a half up the road. I really think it's only right that I save the overnights for when they're pretty much essential - longer journeys only.

I hope the walk doesn't end in disaster as a result of the absence in Somerfield of the Cadbury Brunch Bars. I'd to get Alpen bars instead. I'm up to high doh over it all, I don't mind admitting. I think I'll find that Robin Howie walk in The Herald when he opined that his settled hillfood is Scotch pies & Mars Bars. Now, that was an expert outdoorsy opinion I was delighted to see.


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