They'd nipped in to a cafe for a cuppa on the way home. She mentioned that when they got back to the car Jorja had managed to wriggle past the dog guard and was sitting in the back seat. No problem there, really. It was only today I noticed that either before, during or after The Great Escape, she had chewed her way through one of the rear seat belts. Why, I know not.
What I do know is how much it costs to get a new one - about £115 - because she did exactly the same thing last year. Just before the MOT test was due. Which of course you fail if one of your seat belts disny meet in the middle.

Bloody dug!
My commiserations Scott.
ReplyDeleteI have to say we have been incredibly lucky with the Fatdog as she has chewed the grand total almost 6 years - a miracle.
Our last dog was different (1982). I had to leave him, as a pup, in the car for a couple of hours one day. Went out and there was a massive hole in the back seat of a nearly new car. Tried to find a replacement at various scrappies but the car model was too new. Ended up selling it like that and the family buying it not concerned in the slightest. Funny old world.