Sunday, 2 May 2010

Cream Crackered

Paul hasn't been out for a walk for months; and I bought new boots on Friday. What better way to gently address both those issues than arranging to meet at Linn of Dee, then deciding to walk up the length of Glen Derry, hang a left, head up to Loch Etchachan and then return (through the snow) via Derry Cairngorm. My best estimate is about 17 miles.

Marion was working all day, so I took Jorja and Molly. My dugs now appear to be broken.

I'll write it up once he emails me the photies. I've started forgetting my camera again.


Edit: I got one with my phone though. Here's the girls at the summit. (It's better in B&W - as Stef has pointed out before, snow comes out purple on my phone!)

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