Sunday, 15 August 2010

Fourth, fifth & ninety seventh

There are vague murmurings amongst the worthies at Court of organising a wee trip to have a go at the south Glen Shiel ridge next month. To have any prospect of turning the notion into reality, I need to improve my hill fitness markedly. (I also have a slight concern that there might be a couple of bits at Glen Shiel that are on the narrow side for me, but that's another story.)

What me & Andy thought, therefore, was that we had to try something a tad more strenuous than Bynack More or Mount Keen, which have of course been our most recent epic treks.

So we thought that a biggish day was in order, while we still have plenty of daylight. So we decided - the Cairngorms. So we left Bellshill just after 6:30am yesterday, and arrived back at 12:30am this morning, having spent about eleven and a half hours of that time walking nearly 25 miles and getting up the Devil's Point, Cairn Toul and Sgor an Lochan Uaine. We were awfy pleased with ourselves, but if I'm being honest my feet aren't sharing that feeling today. Even the Wee Black Dug's showing the slightest sign of fatigue .

Photies to follow. My legs are too stiff at the moment to allow me to go out to the garage and retrieve my camera from the rucksack, where I absentmindedly left it early this morning.


1 comment:

  1. You can't beat the 'gorms. Looking forward to the photos
