Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Meall nan Eun

It's actually not so much Meall nan Eun as the upper reaches of Glen Ceitlin and Coirean Riabhach, given that we got nowhere near the top of the hill. Still, the photies give a wee bit of the flavour of what turned out to be an enjoyable, if summit-free day out.


Ben Starav from the bridge at the foot of Glen Ceitlin

Meall Odhar on the left, Meall nan Eun on the right

Looking down Glen Ceitlin, and across Glen Etive towards Beinn Sgulaird on the left, and Beinn Fionnlaidh on the right

A wee deer, unimpressed with the approaching hillwalkers

The snow getting a bit more prevalent

Beinn Fhionnlaidh again

Beinn Sgulaird again, and Beinn Fionnlaidh, yet again. Unsure what the shining peak in the background between them is. I should probably consult some sort of map.
(edit: I'm now thinking it's Sgorr Dhonuill on the Ballachullish horseshoe)

Looking north east - I think the peak in the distance is Stob Dearg, on the Big Bookle.

Just stand there to give it some scale, eh?

On the descent - the horizon was where we were supposed to get to!

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