Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Long Good

So, what we did was leave Bellshill at the back of seven yesterday morning, drive for just under four hours to Lundie in Glen Shiel, have a rather nice walk over Carn Ghluasaid, Sgurr nan Conbhairean and Sail Chaorainn, and then head back down the road. I'll admit that fatigue was kicking in by the time we got home.

I'll also admit that Andy did all the driving.  :o/

Still, it was a good trip, and I feel it can be safely asserted that we embraced the opportunities that the office being shut on a Friday afforded us. I'll do a wee write up of the route over the next day or so.

In the meantime, the journey home was enlivened by our engaging in repeated texting to Bryan Burnett's show on Radio Scotland. His theme for the evening - understandably enough - was "songs about things that appear in the Bible", and he wanted folk's suggestions.  Now, as Andy pointed out, everything appears in the Bible one way or the other, but enter into the, er, spirit of the thing and it's surprising just how many songs you can come up with. And boy, did we come up with plenty. I'm fairly confident that the cost of the text messages remained in double figures though.

Which is really all just an excuse to stick up an old Jethro Tull song that I've always enjoyed. Not that Bryan played it of course, but that's no reason not to air it on here. If, like me, you've ever been of the opinion that long hair, tartan waistcoats, and what can only be described as "lace-up hippy boots" were at one time a Good Look, you'll maybe even enjoy the photies that accompany the tune.

(PS: for as long as the iPlayer thing maintains, here's what actually made it on air!)

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