Monday, 5 September 2011

Blairgowrie and Rattray Highland Games

To use the full Sunday name, that is. A right good day out, helped by the fact it was the first dry day for about a fortnight.

The constant stream of riders and runners firing round the edge of the Heavy events field called for some careful choreography to avoid anybody getting shot-putted.

The annual mob-handed tug o' war grudge match between Blairgowrie and Rattray

Steward's Enquiry at the hammer throw

Traditional WWF heilan' wrestling

Runner Up, best bitch in show!

The Ardblair Highlanders getting set up

That's their leader. Sporrantastic.

Can you guess which one of these folk is Laurence Blair Oliphant of Ardblair and Gask?

These boys were indeed knocking seven bells out each other with big swords

It's all gone wrong for Robert Plant

Alba gu brath!!!!!

Alba gu brath indeed. Pity it was the day after the Czech Republic game.


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