Thursday, 25 April 2013

It was a beer, Facebook and Big Lebowski combination.

I was minding my own internet business last weekend, honestly, when I started to understand why social networking seems to be ever so slightly popular these days, and can sort of reel you in.

The way it worked for me is that having succumbed to Facebook's promptings to "Like" some favourite films, books, bands etc, there then popped up on my - wait for the effortless use of a technical term here - Timeline a rather smart caricature of Jeff Bridges as The Dude, which an artist from Michigan called Eddie Renner had posted on the Lebowski timeline. (That sketch is 5 across and 2 down on this page, for the sake of completeness.) 

Never being one to miss out on the opportunity of cyber-shopping while under the influence of strong drink; and being quite keen on kitsch movie memorabilia to hing on the wall, I made further inquiries. You can imagine my delight when I discovered that the artist did commissions - at pretty reasonable cost - of folk's dugs!!!

As an added attraction in these days of compulsory instant gratification, the caricatures were drawn digitally, so there'd be none of this waiting around for rolled up sketches to arrive in the post from across the world. (After an initial email exchange, I even understood what "digital drawing" involved. Nowt gets put on paper and then scanned, basically, contrary to my initial assumption!)

In all events, I told Eddie he had carte blanche to do me a twa dug set; sent him these old favourites...

...included this yin as an idea for a suitable background...

...and about three hours later, I got an email from Michigan. (Which was another first.) All things considered, if you'd like a digital caricature of your pet from an American artist who likes at least one really good film, I say you could do a whole lot worse.



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