Saturday, 25 May 2013

Round Up

Me & Andy had a rather good walk yesterday, having set out bright and early to take advantage of a weather forecast-inspired skive off work. Given that Sgurr a' Mhaim was my first new Munro since October last year(!) I'll do a proper trip report as soon as I get a minute.  Here's a photie of Andy and Ben to tide youse over.  ;)

A quick mention meantime though for last week's jaunt to Beinn a' Chrulaiste to continue Molly's Corbett bagging adventures. She's tearing through them and no mistake! That's two this year. I'd forgotten my camera, but Andy was there to record Big Dug's triumph.

Also, the deer at the foot of the walk are exceptionally friendly:

Hunters must be awful skilled to get close enough to kill them with guns, eh? An admirable pursuit altogether.

And on a final note, thanks to Gareth at Code Computerlove who rather kindly organised a natty Berghaus daysack for me to review. More on that to follow. Again, whenever I get that proverbial minute. Soon, though!


  1. I must admit, that's the friendliest deer I've ever seen. In fact, it's so friendly it's probably added you to it Facebook friends.

  2. Those hunters must feel a bit stupid. All that money on guns, ammo, daft clothes, Land Rovers and stalkers when all they needed was a polite manner and some flap jacks from the local petrol station.
