Tuesday, 24 July 2007

It's all happening at once!

Well, I'd to get home at lunchtime for the dogs, & the Fat Airic had arrived with Irene next door. I found out later that her husband Mick's in hospital, so that's no' very good. Wish I'd known at the time.

So, then I'm back into the office and the new phone was sitting waiting for me. It's fair enough. I hadn't really appreciated mind you that the photies on my old phone weren't saved on the sim card, so they may be lost for good, unless someone can recover them. Still, it's good to have a mobile again. Even though I don't think I use it that much, it's been odd not having one for the last week or so.

Then, when I went to pick Marion up from the airport, she tells me that The Big Tent was delivered earlier. How exciting. I had a quick roll-out with it in the garden, but it'll take ages to pitch the first time. Not least because despite knowing that it had to be pitched flysheet first, the fact it was all attached when I unpacked it somehow persuaded me I could try & put it up all in a oner. Needless to say, that was very wrong! By the time I'd faffed about & thrown a strop, it would have been too late even to get the flysheet pitched on its own before dark, so I gave up and footered about with the phone instead. Put a couple of "lucky" Tiny photies on, so I won't be entirely bereft of protection. Might well need it for Paisley next week...

Mental? Nah, not really...


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