Monday, 2 February 2009

Carn Crom again...

As we headed up further the terrain eased off considerably, and the views opened up. Above is the impressively proportioned Ben Macdui.

Below is the nice view of Derry Cairngorm that I mentioned earlier. We could have run over and got up to the top no problem at all, but...well...we'd both done it before...and we were a wee bit short of time...and Jorja was looking a trifle tired (aye right) so we decided that a couple more photies and then a swift return to base was in order. It was a cracking walk anyway. Most enjoyable, and really lucky with the weather to actually get those views in the winter.

I like this last picture - Gordy and the wee black dug looking over towards Cairn Toul.

Scotland - don't you just love it?



  1. Thoroughly enjoyed that Scott.

    Never done the bothying bit:

    i) Don't have a sleeping bag
    ii) Couldn't carry in the weight of the Fatdogs overnight food supply without a team of native bearers.

    Great shot of Jorja against the skyline in the last post.

  2. Great pics and write-up, Scott.

    I really should make an effort to visit your neck of the woods sometime soon.

  3. Enjoyed the pics, scott. That wee black dug deserves a biscuit.......
