Thursday, 12 March 2009


It's just occurred to me that if I put a wee note on here about what hill I want to have a go at this weekend, then it might make me a bit more likely to get off my erse and go for it.

Notwithstanding the pretty poor weather forecast, and an earlier feeling that I might just wait until tomorrow evening to make a decision, I am therefore proudly declaiming my intention to get up ridiculously early on Saturday and head for Glen Feshie to have a bash at Mullach Clach a Bhlair.

It seems to be a long walk rather than a terribly strenuous one, so that might be a reasonable idea for the first hill after a long lay-off. Plus, I've done its (relatively) near neighbour Sgor Gaoith before in minging weather, and I'm definitely going to go back to that one when I'm guaranteed sunshine and views, so I won't feel the need to add it on to the first hill on Saturday even if time were to permit it.

Logic, eh?

I think there could be a fair bit of snow about. It looks like that sort of hill. Further bulletins as events warrant.

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