Sunday, 29 November 2009

New phone. Random photies therefrom.

Well, a random selection from Saturday in Aviemore & the Cairngorms. Having forgotten my camera again.


The bird tracks are clearly those of a one legged ptarmigan.

Edit: that line was brought to you in association with Fatdog Enterprises.



  1. Purple snow! You lot get all the good stuff.
    We lowly Savveners only get bog-standard white-with-occasional-yellow-patches.

  2. Lol. Aye, there's clearly a "snow scene" setting on the camera phone that I've no' discovered yet.

  3. Pinching my best lines again Scott!!!

    You know the tracks were made by the "One Legged Ostrich of Glenmore Lodge" (and I have copyright on that one?)

    How did you do the purple thingy anyway?

  4. Lol - there's no shame in plagiarism if the aggrieved party can find out so quickly.


    "How did you do the purple thingy anyway?"

    Innate lack of ability, is my guess.

  5. They look all right tae me but then I'm reading this on a phone anyway.

    Yours has probably got white balance modes, same as mine, but I dunno which one stops purple snow.

  6. "Yours has probably got white balance modes, same as mine, but I dunno which one stops purple snow."

    WTF!!! Not only do you lot have purple snow, you also have phones that control the weather! You're just showing off now.
