Saturday, 21 November 2009

Barenaked Ladies

Great name for a band.

I'm still banging on - see what I did there - about yon programme, and I found the full version of the theme tune on Youtube.

I do like the lyrics. (Although repeated viewing suggest there's maybe one or two wee transcription errors by the video maker. Not that I could make the remotest attempt at putting anything like that together. So probably best if I'd no' mentioned it, all things considered.)

Still, Warren Zevon would have been proud of a couple of the rhymes they shoehorned in there. Plus - it's jolly catchy.



  1. Yes Barenaked Ladies, fantastic name, fantastic band.
    They are a bunch of mad Canadians who have a very quircky outlook on life and their music.
    Thanks for reminding me of them Scott, I'm going off to find my CD's and put them on the music box :-)

  2. Hullawrerr Elaina! BTW, I've now moderated my harsh posting language seeing as how there's a lady present.


  3. LOL Scott, I'm sure I've heard it all before ;-)

    Thanks for reminding me of this band. I'd forgotten how good & unusual they are.
