Tuesday, 26 January 2010

World Class Mugging

We were away on holiday last week. Back to Mull - indeed back to the same place altogether give or take 20 yards. We were in the Puffer Cottage this time, rather than the Smiddy. It was a rather clever Christmas present from my beloved who decided that renting it for a week would give us both a chance to relax after the mayhem of the festive season. And the impending mayhem of work. There's also been a few ancillary seriously poor things happening to other friends, so getting away was a good idea.

Anyway, we did no' very much apart from buy new binoculars and try and spot wildlife, but it was highly enjoyable. More later, including photographic evidence that we didny do very much!

In the meantime, and to explain the title, a wee song popped into my head the other day and as Windsor Davies' unbeatable cheesy grin of delight to the audience has always been a favourite overacting moment of mine, and makes me smile too...I was tickled to find it on tinternet.

Sing, Lofty.

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