Sunday, 18 September 2011

Ooh, me feet!

On Thursday evening, during the planning meeting, the idea to try and get another big Cairngorms day squeezed in before we run out of daylight seemed altogether splendid. And yesterday was a fine expedition. Andy's calculated that it was about 20 miles of walking and 4000' of ascent. It doesn't seem quite such a good idea now, when I could do with an early night, and I seem to have insufficient strength in my legs to get up the stairs. Trip report to follow. In the meantime, here's the Wee Black Dug making her first ever "off the lead" visit to Loch Etchachan.



  1. Looking forward to the trip report! J

  2. Fairly safe letting the wbd off there - having viewed it from the cliffs above - there's nowehere else to go as far as I recall. :)

    Funny things legs. Last week we plodded up White Coomb - made it up and back without much problem.

    In the evening went into Stirling and could barely make it up the stairs in Waterstones!

    Maybe you want to set up a camp bed downstairs - just in case (lol).

  3. Your White Coomb sojourn looked excellent Ken. It took until Wednesday for my legs to return to summat approaching normality, btw!
