Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I've been on Youtube trying to get up to speed a wee bit with some modern, younger persons music. Me and Gordy are awa' to the SECC this Sunday to see an exciting triple header - Alter Bridge, supported by Black Stone Cherry and Theory of a Deadman.

No, I'm aware that none of them are likely to be doing guest spots on Strictly Come Dancing in the near future, but I would deny any suggestions that I'm too old to go and see them in concert. Anyway,  while BSC (as we shall refer to them) are a particular favourite of mine, I've had relatively limited exposure to the other two so scouring internet videos seemed the sensible thing to do. I don't want to no' recognise the opening bars of any of their classics, and fail to cheer wildly at the appropriate moment.'s all good - I'm looking forward to it enormously. I'll even get to wear the BSC t-shirt that I bought two albums ago, so I'll look like a real diehard fan. Sorted.

But I got distracted, and was looking for something...and found something else...which reminded me of something different...and then...I remembered posting one of Joe Cocker looking a bit the worse for wear so decided to redress the balance by posting one of him looking slightly better, if older and a bit warmer. Not only is it one of my favourite songs, I enjoyed the faces the guitarist pulls during his lead break. 

And for the sake of completeness, here's some BSC that I prepared earlier.

Rock 'n' roll, eh?


  1. I bet they cover "Rollin;' in the deep" :O)

  2. In case folk get the wrong idea, they're not an Adele cover band: and

    It's as well Joe Cocker can sing btw. Don't see him ever doing well in a job interview.

  3. Adele cover band indeed! Perish the thought.

    (Remember we've got the Steps Reunion gig the week after next, btw.)
