Friday, 17 February 2012

Another loose cannon, gone bipolar

Me and Gordy are rekindling the plan of getting out to watch live bands again. Last night saw the first visit I've ever had to the O2 Academy in Glasgow. Rather impressed with it - one of those proper venues, the configuration of which bears some relation to its function.

It used to be a cinema, Google reveals. So, it's familiar with the concept of everybody looking in the same direction, and needing to be able to see and hear what's going on. Unlike, say, the SECC.

Mind you, the volume levels were such that you'd need to have been fairly distracted not to realise that what was going on was a rather tight combo with a proper old fashioned frontman who was just there to sing, look cool, haud the thing together and generally encourage the audience to stamp, shout, cheer and bounce...into the palm of his hand.

And as well as holding us, he could hold a tune. Best night out I've had for £14 in some considerable time.

Anyway, enjoy!


  1. I've seen a few artists* in there over the years. It is a good venue for live music I always thought.

    *I say artists but you might not...most of the ones I saw tended to be standing behind a pair of record players rather than real instruments.

    1. Nothing wrong with that kind of artist for folk that are a bit younger than me.

  2. Love your new masthead image! Where is it?

    1. The Mamores, a couple of years back Fraser. The hill right in the middle that Molly is staring at (horrified that our destination is so far away!) is Binnein Beag. It's the lower slopes of Sgurr Eilde Mor that you can see rising to the right, next to the lochan.

      It's a photogenic wee spot, altogether.

    2. One for the todo list I think...
