Saturday, 2 October 2010

Pause....and Rewind.

Me & Marion are off on our holidays as of tomorrow - slightly later than we had hoped to get away for a summer break, but it still counts.  :0/

Anyway, Ardnamurchan - or more particularly, a wee cottage in Kilchoan - beckons, so I doubt there'll be much in the way of internet access for the next week.

That's the pause bit, obviously.

So far as rewinding's concerned, I've resized another few photies from me & Andy's walk up Beinn a' Chlachair, and if I don't post them now, they'll never go up, bearing in mind the spectacular photographic opportunities that spending seven days in October on the most westerly point of the British mainland will afford. Maybe.

It's a nice hoose in a nice spot...

...and remember how it looked in Christmas Card mode!

Molly on the beach at Lochan nan H Earba

A proper view, that's what that is.

Weird, I know.

Creag Pitridh, taken from half way up the clambery ascent route to Chlachair's plateau

No, it's not a sheep.

Creag Pitridh on the left, Geal Charn on the right

It got busy approaching the summit. The tiny figure on the right is a chap wearing a kilt, incidentally.

Molly fails to hide her disgust that the only summit snack on offer is an apple.

Caption competition, anyone?  ;o)

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